'Almighty God' Tagged Posts
Fall News
First Church Family: Fall is in the air. Over the summer, we re-examined Wesleyan Methodist theology and its focus on grace: the undeserved, unmerited love of Almighty God. We remembered Wesley’s focus on God’s prevenient grace, which goes before us, softening our hearts to God and preparing the way for us. Then, we were reminded of God’s justifying grace, in which God saves (or justifies) us through the life, sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. …
May News
First Church Family, Several weeks ago, in a conversation with our Pete Kidder, Caldwell Habitat for Humanity executive director, I came to understand that: * there are houses within a mile of our church where families with children live on dirt floors.* more than 7,000 houses in our county are heated by portable kerosene heaters and by opening the oven.* 7,764 families in our county spend almost one-third of their total income on housing.* and many mobile homes in our county are so poorly…