March News

March News

First Church Family:

              Spring hasn’t sprung, but with the beginning of Lent on this past Ash Wednesday, it feels like it’s not far off! Personally, I would still love to have a “good” snow before winter is over, but it’s looking increasingly like that is not going to happen this year!

              March will be filled with significant moments for us at FUMC. Confirmation is well underway. We are using a resource called: “The Absolute Basics of the Christian Faith,” an exciting, modern, fast-paced curriculum. The resource is for use by confirmation classes, college age students, and adults. If there is interest, I will offer an adult version of the resource later this year for anyone who is interested.

In mid-March, we will begin a worship series titled: “Jesus the Bridge.” The series will focus on how Jesus connects us both with one another and God, bridging gaps that without His activity would leave us hopelessly alone.

Too, Lent will be filled with extra opportunities to experience the power of Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection, including a joint service of drama and music on Palm Sunday, April 2; a Holy Thursday worship service with Holy Communion on April 6; and a Procession of the Cross through Lenoir on Good Friday, April 7. Plan ahead to be able to participate in those special opportunities to be drawn closer to Jesus.

And finally, on Saturday, April 1, we will gather on our Habitat for Humanity site to celebrate the beginning of the construction of our Habitat house for the Victory Harshaw family. What a way to live out our faith by surrounding a deserving family with God-filled walls!

May you experience the comfort, direction, and power of God’s Holy Spirit during this season!

Blessings and love,

Dave Melton

Senior Pastor

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