First Church Family:
The holiest week of the year is upon us. And our church is providing you and your guests with wonderful opportunities to experience it fully.
Saturday April 1 – 10:00am: Join us as we meet our Habitat for Humanity family at the construction site – 2614 Friendswood Road, Lenoir. We will hear from Habitat’s executive director, our own Pete Kidder, and dedicate the construction site. DATE CHANGE: Saturday, April 15 @ 10:00am
Sunday April 2 – 10:00am: Join us in the Sanctuary as we begin with the Palm Sunday account of greeting Jesus as He enters Jerusalem, and end with His crucifixion outside Jerusalem. Dramatic reading of the Passion account and beautiful music will lead us to a new experience of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Thursday April 6 – 6:30pm: Join us at Golden Ticket Theater for a viewing of the acclaimed film: “The Passion of the Christ.” Tickets are $10 (and include popcorn and a drink) and must be bought through the church office. Make your reservation today. Holy Communion will follow the movie.
Friday April 7 – 11:00am: Join us for the Procession of the Cross through downtown Lenoir, beginning at St. Stephen’s Lutheran and ending on our front steps.
Sunday April 9 – 9:00am and 11:00am: Join us for worship on Easter as we celebrate Jesus Christ the Bridge from one life to another. It will be an Easter like you have never experienced before, and an event you will never forget!
If you care about persons in your life, you must encourage them to experience Jesus’ life, death and resurrection with you.
Can you tell I am about as excited as a disciple of Jesus Christ can be?
God is good! All the time!

Pastor Dave