Dear First Church Family:
I pray that you are enjoying this spring weather as much as I am. After a long, dark, wet winter, being outside in the yard and garden is therapeutic.
There are a couple of things I want to share with you. First, for the next number of weeks, we will be worshiping around Scripture passages in the Book of Acts.
Acts is the story of the birth, activities, and growth of the early church. It is exciting, fast-paced, and messy – kind of like the church of today. I pray that God’s Holy Spirit will empower us to learn and grow over the coming months as we delve into the story of His early church.
Secondly, the General Conference of our United Methodist Church will be meeting in Charlotte beginning next week. Delegates from all over the world will gather for two weeks: to worship, celebrate God’s love, and respond to petitions sent in by individual members and groups in a process of what we Methodists call “Holy Conferencing.”
The General Conference will be relied on to discuss, pray over, and make decisions that will affect our denomination today and into the future.
United Methodists are people of God who, across the connection, share both a common mission and collective values. The main goal of the United Methodist Church is to “make disciples of Jesus Christ” from all the people on earth.
Diversity of thought is always celebrated within our church. That is one of the main reasons I was drawn to our blessed denomination.
John Wesley taught that all people are sinners and that every one of us is not only welcome but invited to worship and serve among us. You and I certainly fall into that descended category, with every other human on earth. Thank goodness our God forgives us of our sinfulness, and with grace, loves us unconditionally.
There will no doubt be contentious moments among General Conference delegates, as the United Methodist Church has a long history of dealing with difficult situations and change. The interesting thing is that the outside world (and especially secular media looking to produce sensational headlines) doesn’t quite understand what we do as we gather from across the world. So be careful about how you read
the so-called “news.”
I’m thrilled to witness the convening of the General Conference here in North Carolina, with clergy and lay delegates from almost every country under the sun gathering here in what we believe to be “God’s Country.” Please be in prayer for God’s love and guidance to surround all who participate.
What an honor it is to serve God with you here in Lenoir!
Blessings and love,

Pastor Dave