Dear FUMC Family,
As I write this email, Ground Hog’s Day is only two days away and there is no rain in our immediate future. Oh goodness, another six weeks of winter!
This Sunday in worship, we will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion as we normally do on the first Sunday of each month. And then following our 11:00AM service, all will be invited to join the family of Victory Harshaw for the dedication of her new Habitat for Humanity house, the dwelling we helped pay for and build.
That brief service of celebration and dedication will begin at 1:00PM at the 2614 Friendswood location in Southwestern Lenoir and will be followed with a lunch of chili and fixings. So far, the weather seems to be cooperating. The day may be cloudy but let’s pray there is no rain.
This is a wonderful time of celebration for us as a church community. Be with us if you can.
Then ten days later, we will begin the season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service at 6:00PM in the Sanctuary on February 14. Ash Wednesday comes on Valentine’s Day this year, so persons might have to choose to celebrate/participate in one or the other.
Later this month, Tuesday, February 27, we will again prepare and serve pancakes with monies raised during that event going to our ministry partner, Helping Hands Clinic.
There are several ways you can be a part of that experience. Please purchase tickets for your family and friends and sell additional ones ($6 adult and $4 child.)
Too, please consider making a contribution to help us underwrite the project (as we hope to serve pancakes, sausage, and juice to as many as 1,500 elementary school students and staff.)
And then of course, we will need numerous volunteers on Monday February 26 to set-up for the event and pretty much all day on February 27 when we actually prepare the food and serve it to our guests.
I know that’s a lot. February is a full month. Be a part of it any way you can.
I’m looking forward to the opportunities of deepening faith during the season of Lent.
May you remain aware of God’s presence and blessings.
In the service of Christ and our church,
Pastor Dave