Announcements (Page 3)
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We’ll Miss You
Dear First Church Family, I pray you have enjoyed moving over into 2022. Our Youth and Family Ministries Director, Tara Hatton, writes the following note to us: The past two years have brought challenges and hardships to each of us. In my own personal life, 2021 was the most difficult year I’ve yet to experience. In January, issues in my marriage came to light which led to many months of stress and turmoil culminating in separation in August. My husband,…
Youth Sunday
First Church Family, One of the treasures in every community and church is its youth. And 2020-21 has been a very challenging, difficult time for them. Last school year was shortened by massive restrictions due to the COVID pandemic. And though this year has been a bit less restrictive, much teaching was done online, masks were required, even for athletes during their events, bands and choruses weren’t allowed to function. The list goes on and on. Actually, to their credit, it…
What Wondrous Hope
First Church Family, What a glorious Easter we experienced together! Many thanks to all of our staff members, volunteers, musicians, and ushers for going beyond the call of duty to provide meaningful worship in as safe a context as possible. And thank you for being patient with us, and also following our COVID protocols. We had been trying to limit our attendance to between 50 to 60 worshipers at previous services, but we were able to handle twice that many on Easter fairly easily. It has…
Welcome Back
First Church Family, I pray you are enjoying some of the signals that spring is coming: blooming daffodils and jonquils (what we used to call “March flowers”), budding and flowering trees, Hostas breaking the surface of the ground, and the like. Spring will officially arrive before we worship together for the first time in a year this coming Sunday. And after a cold, dark, wet winter it couldn’t be a more anticipated arrival. As we announced last week, we are giving in-person worship a…
Re-Opening: March 21
First Church Family: Much has changed in regard to COVID 19 in the past months. Infection rates are down; vaccines are being given to a much larger number of persons across our community; and it is being reported that all three of the vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson) will prevent 100% of possible hospitalizations from the virus. Our leadership has sought to move wisely and cautiously over the many months that we have dealt with the pandemic. And we have been blessed that there…
Christmas Concert @ FUMC
December 13 at 3 pm A free, drive-up Christmas concert, “A Christmas Music Blessing”at 3 pm on Sunday, December 13 from the front steps of our church. The Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir as well as 4 children will be presenting beautiful Christmas music. You may listen from your car, your lawn chair, or stand nearby with masks. In the case of inclement weather, the concert will be moved to Sunday (December 20 at 3pm).
Dear Friends, Visitors, and Members of First Church, My prayers are with you as we move forward in unprecedented waters. In consultation with an executive committee of leaders of our church, I’m announcing that next week, and for the foreseeable future, we will cancel all Sunday School meetings and hold only one closed, web streamed worship service at 10:00 each Sunday. We will use elements of both our modern and traditional services in worship. For that 10:00 service each week,…
Good news! We are now streaming LIVE services on YouTube. You can watch the service as it is going on! It will be just like being here! All you need is a computer with internet access or a smart television or streaming service like Roku or Amazon Firestick. Steps to watch on the computer Sign onto the internet via your computer’s web browser Go to the YouTube website and search for “FUMCLenoir” Or go directly to the channel at:…
Dear First Church Family, I’m pleased to report to you that our Staff Parish Relations Committee and I have made the decision to hire our next Director of Youth and Family. Her name is Tara Hatton. She lives with her husband Aaron (the third straight “Aaron” in our Youth family) and their sons, Charlie and Smith, in Hudson. Tara received her Bachelor of Science in Theatre Education at ASU and her Masters of Education in the same field from UNCG. For…
Our Mission
FUMC Family, September marks the beginning of the church year. However, the summer has been an important time for visioning. There have been three Church Council meetings from May through August. And each of those meetings was significant. In our May meeting, directions were given for a four-person sub-committee to report back to the Council in its June meeting (the 30th) with a new Mission Statement proposal. At the June meeting the Council unanimously ratified the following as our Mission…
Meet Our New Pastor
Reverend Dr. Dave Melton The Reverend Dr. David S. Melton is the Senior Pastor of Providence United Methodist Church. He has served numerous large churches in western North Carolina, including most recently: Memorial UMC, Thomasville; First UMC, Waynesville; and West Market Street UMC in Greensboro. In 2014, West Market experienced its largest net membership growth in more than 30 years. Dave is an elder in full connection in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. Dave is…