First Church Family:
I pray you enjoyed the Labor Day Weekend, the informal last weekend of summer vacation. I stayed around Lenoir but did take some time off on Monday.
We enjoyed a great summer season at First Church. Our Vacation Bible School was both well done and well-attended, the work on our Habitat for Humanity house moved forward, and our combined worship services felt good and were also well-attended.
When we combine services like that, our overall attendance drops a bit, but to have more attendees in one service is good for morale. Most likely we will do that again next summer.
However, this Sunday, September 10, we will move back to our regular worship times: 9:00AM in the Christian Life Center and 11:00AM in the Sanctuary.
We are calling this Sunday: Back-to-Church Sunday. Please make an extra effort to be with us and invite someone to come with you, as our chancel choir & traditional musicians, and also our praise band in our modern First Light service, have been working on some special things for us.
And we will get closer to the end of our summer worship series entitled: “Ever Heard of Grace?”
I can’t wait for us to experience another facet of God’s grace as we gather back together.
God Bless You,
Pastor Dave