Posts by FUMC Office (Page 8)

Posts by FUMC Office (Page 8)

Fear Not

First Church Family, We had our first really cool morning this morning, and it brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart! And my heart needed warming, as perhaps does yours. I write that because we have just remembered the 9/11 attack on our country twenty-one years ago. Sometimes we try to forget tragic, unpleasant things. I know I do. But, this past Sunday, during the children’s sermon, as I was talking to our little ones about…

September News

First Church Family, I certainly love September, but wow is it busy! Please notice everything in this issue of the DOME. Much important information is included. Be sure to file it away and/or paste it to the front of your refrigerator. In worship, during the first half of September, we will continue to explore the faith of Heroes of the Bible, with Moses, David, and Jonathan as our focus. Our official Back-to-Church Sunday will be September 18 (as it will…

Regular Worship Schedule

First Church Family,     I pray that this weekly email newsletter finds you keenly aware of God’s blessings. That is not always the thing we think about first when waking, but when that is my focus, it certainly makes my day more fulfilling.     What a week we just finished, after spending much time with 33 children and a dozen youth during Vacation Bible School! Thanks goes to everyone who had a part to play in that wonderful experience, including a number of adult…

August News

First Church Family,      There are several things that happen that make me realize summer is moving to its end. One is that I notice a yellow jacket’s nest on my property. That happened Thursday, and thank goodness, this year I saw the nest and took care of it before I ran over it with a weed eater (which is usually what happens.)      Another reminder that summer’s end approaches is the fact that anyone who grows tomatoes, okra, or…

Three Things This Week

Three Things From Pastor Dave I pray that you enjoyed a safe Independence Day celebration. I’m getting over a summer cold (not COVID), and I chose to keep things a bit simple. But, as time goes by, the freedom and liberties that we enjoy mean more and more to me. I pray they do to you, as well. First, remember that we worship together this Sunday at 10:30AM in the CLC. Sunday School will precede the service, and Godly Play…

This Week at FUMC

First Church Family:     I pray that you are well. Our youth and adults returned from BigStuf in Panama City, Florida on Tuesday evening. I must tell you that it was all that it was said to be: incredible worship and instruction for the students, tremendous instruction for all of us youth leaders, great small group time, and recreation on the beach.     We have a wonderful group of kids, led by our graduating seniors: Molly Triplett and Cary Carpenter, and they participated fully. Our youth leaders, Sonya Triplett…

July News

Three Things From Pastor Dave: I have been a Green Bay Packer fan since I was a little boy. During pro football season, I get an email from a Packer’s site several times a week. The theme of the email is: Three Things About the Packers. I’ve realized there is something special about that number of highlighted issues. So, for the next several weeks, I am going to use the theme of “Three Things From Pastor Dave” when I communicate…

Three Things…

Three Things From Pastor Dave Eleven of us leave the church Friday morning at 5:30AM for BigStuf Christian Youth Camp in Panama City, Florida. Please remember: Meredith Cline and Sonya Triplett (who, with me, will be counselors on the trip) along with: Reagan Cline, Molly Triplett, Cary Carpenter, Dillan Earp, Cody Barlow, Mason Gaetes, Ross Watts, and Zach Crowe. Many of you have supported the trip financially. Please pray for the growth of our faith and for our safety. Secondly, on Sunday July 10 at 4:00PM in the afternoon, our…

Lay Leadership Sunday

First Church Family:    It is my prayer that you are making it through this week’s heat wave. Wow, it’s been draining; and it’s brought out the Japanese Beetles! Beginning yesterday, my roses have been covered with them! I can remember my grandmother telling me: “David, in life you have to take the bad with the good!” But is there really anything good about Japanese Beetles? If you can think of something, I’d like to hear from you.     I will be going to Lake…

July Schedule

First Church Family:     As I drove into the church early this morning, I was struck by the beauty of the Easter lilies that surround our buildings. They bloomed late this year, but they are beautiful! Ride around the church in the next couple of days and appreciate their beauty.     But don’t stop there. Let the lilies remind you that everyday is Easter for us, because God the Father raised Jesus the Son from the dead – and through the Resurrection we…

Youth Sunday

First Church Family:     I pray that you are enjoying the end of spring. As the song from “Carousel” chronicles: “June is bustin’ out all over…” My gardens are growing, and who knows, I may have a ripe tomato by the 4th of July!     Please remember the important things that are happening this month.      This Sunday, June 5, we will celebrate Youth Sunday and honor our graduating high school students: Molly Triplett and Cary Carpenter. Theirs is a small class, but the two…