Posts by FUMC Office (Page 6)

Posts by FUMC Office (Page 6)

Activity Packed Weekend

First Church Family,     I pray you are doing well. We are still basking in God’s Easter season’s blessings.     This weekend is going to be activity packed. I want you to know of several things in which you might want to participate.     On Saturday morning at 8:00AM, volunteers from our church will gather at our Habitat site, 2614 Friendswood, Lenoir, to work on the house until noon. At 10:00AM our church will provide a break-time snack.     At 9:00AM, on that same…

Looking Back on Easter

First Church Family, What wonderful Holy Week and Easter observance we enjoyed! Our Palm Sunday program of scripture and music was outstanding; the “Passion of the Christ” with holy communion was experienced by a near capacity crowd; the Good Friday Procession of the Cross was carried out despite heavy rains (and supported by representatives from a dozen churches/Christian non-profits); and Resurrection Sunday worship, complete with a professionally constructed and decorated walking bridge, reminding us that Jesus is the “Bridge to Eternity” for those who receive Him made…

Easter Letter From Pastor Dave

First Church Family:      After worship on Palm Sunday, I sat in my office processing the experience of our Passion Play in worship. I was moved by the dramatic reading of the Gospel account of Jesus’ last days, and the music that accompanied the service.      At the close of our time together, we observed and long uncomfortable silence, reflecting on how Jesus suffered and died on the Cross.      This coming week, we will have the opportunity to experience…

Date Change: Habitat Site Dedication

DATE CHANGE FOR SITE DEDICATION, NOW April 15 @ 10:00AM First Church Family: Because of the forecast of inclement weather for Saturday, and the horrific mud conditions at the Habitat site, this Saturday’s dedication ceremony has been canceled/postponed. The first official work day at the site will be Saturday, April 15, from 8:00AM – Noon. On that morning, we will break at 10:00AM for the site dedication ceremony. At that time, we will be introduced to our Habitat family, the Victory Harshaw family. Blessings, Dave Melton, Sr.…

Holy Week

First Church Family:     The holiest week of the year is upon us. And our church is providing you and your guests with wonderful opportunities to experience it fully. Saturday April 1 – 10:00am: Join us as we meet our Habitat for Humanity family at the construction site – 2614 Friendswood Road, Lenoir. We will hear from Habitat’s executive director, our own Pete Kidder, and dedicate the construction site. DATE CHANGE: Saturday, April 15 @ 10:00am Sunday April 2 – 10:00am: Join us in the…

April News

First Church Family:  Happy Spring! (Yes, spring has finally “sprung,” even though we had some of winter’s coldest weather right before its “springing”.) Though I can come and go as I please, regardless of the season, I must admit that there is something about the winter that is confining. I’ve looked forward to being “released” from the bondage of winter, with the new freedom to be outside, in the community, garden, and yard. Really, Easter is all about being freed…

Spring Ahead

First Church Family:     It is my prayer that this email newsletter finds you in good health and spirits. I am doing well, even though I’m dreading “losing” an hour on the weekend because of springing forward – ugh!     The construction work related our church’s dream of building a house for a deserving family in our community is close to getting underway. The dedication of the site will be held on Saturday April 1. I’ll get you the details as we draw…

March News

First Church Family:               Spring hasn’t sprung, but with the beginning of Lent on this past Ash Wednesday, it feels like it’s not far off! Personally, I would still love to have a “good” snow before winter is over, but it’s looking increasingly like that is not going to happen this year!               March will be filled with significant moments for us at FUMC. Confirmation is well underway. We are using a resource called: “The Absolute Basics of the Christian…

Coming Events

First Church Family, I pray that you are enjoying some respite from cold, dark, and rainy days. I certainly am! Note the following updates: *Please consider making a special offering for those suffering in Turkey and Syria following the catastrophic earthquake last week. Our relief agency, UMCOR, is on the ground there working around the clock to bring comfort and relief to those who are recovering. You may make a donation to our church with the memo “UMCOR Turkey,” knowing…


First Church Family,     I pray that you are doing well. We are a month and a half past Christmas and well into the New Year. While that is hard to believe, I am remembering the areas of growth and challenge we experienced in 2022 as we followed Jesus.     And I must say that I’m tremendously excited about the places God is going to lead us in 2023.     Over the past weeks in worship, we have been exploring Jesus’ Beatitudes. The word “beatitude”…

February News

First Church Family:               Happy New Year! It seems almost too late to share that, doesn’t it, as we are already well into 2023. But the happiness I wish for you is the happiness that Jesus talked about in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) – the passage on which we will focus in worship over the coming weeks; for the term “blessed” that Jesus used really means “happy,” though in a different way that we usually think about it. Please be…