Posts by FUMC Office (Page 4)

Posts by FUMC Office (Page 4)

A Great Day

Dear FUMC Family,     It’s only Wednesday but it feels like a Friday afternoon after a long week’s work at one of our local factories because of the way the large number of volunteers from our congregation served our guests yesterday in our third annual Pancake Day for Missions (this year to support our local Helping Hands Clinic.)     There were well over 60 people from our congregation and scout troops who worked like trojans Monday afternoon setting up, and Tuesday morning, afternoon, and evening serving our…

Lenten Pancake Day

Dear FUMC Family,  I pray that you are doing well and experiencing a blessed season of Lent. The word from which our word “Lent” comes is the Old English word: “lencten” which means spring (or the time when daylight hours lengthen.)     How fitting for us, as we begin to come out of winter! I must say that I have “spring fever,” in that I can’t wait to get outdoors and in my gardens.     There are notable dates for us coming up in Lent. I will…

The Beginning of Lent

Dear FUMC Family,    I pray that you are ready to move into the sacred season of Lent, which begins tomorrow – Ash Wednesday.     Lent is the solemn Christian observance commemorating the 40 days Jesusspent fasting in the desert, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. During those days He was tempted by Satan.     We will observe the sacred holy day tomorrow with a brief worship serviceat 6:00PM. During the service, attendees will receive ashes on their foreheads…

Helping the Community

Dear FUMC Family,     I pray that you are staying warm and healthy. The winter has been long, dark, wet, and cold. And many persons have stayed in and grown discouraged.     At our church, we are going to try to bring our community out and together for one day – Tuesday, February 27, in our third annual Pancake Day. This year all proceeds will go to our local Helping Hands Clinic, which serves the poor.     We will serve, as our guests, more…

February Events

Dear FUMC Family,     As I write this email, Ground Hog’s Day is only two days away and there is no rain in our immediate future. Oh goodness, another six weeks of winter!     This Sunday in worship, we will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion as we normally do on the first Sunday of each month. And then following our 11:00AM service, all will be invited to join the family of Victory Harshaw for the dedication of her new Habitat for Humanity house, the dwelling…

Reaching the Community

First Church Family,     I pray that you are weathering the winter cold this week. From Friday night through most of the day Sunday, the temperature in our area will not move above freezing. We pray for the poor and homeless among us. We made a large financial donation to Yokefellow Thursday, helping our ministry partner serve the poor.     FUMC was richly blessed in 2023. Your stewardship enabled us to fund all of our church’s ministries and finish in the black for the…

Welcome 2024

First Church Family,     Happy New Year – 2024! I’m at my desk wondering how many times I’ll still write ’23 on January checks and documents.     What a whirlwind the past weeks have been… and how wonderful they were! I’m not sure I’ve ever enjoyed as meaningful an Advent or Christmas!     Thank you to all of those who made that possible, both volunteers and staff! It takes an incredible number of persons to fulfill our desire to offer both powerful ministries and worship services.…

Christmas Season

First Church Family,     What a beautiful season of Advent we’re experiencing! I pray that we remember the words of Isaiah’s prophecy, specifically that God comes to those who wait and are prepared for Him.     Please take a moment to internalize the following worship announcements:      Please remember this schedule and remind each other of upcoming dates and times as the weeks progress.     It is an honor to walk with you through the days of Advent and Christmas.Pastor Dave * * * *…

Beginning Advent

First Church Family:     Goodness, it’s cold! While winter hasn’t officially begun, you can’t tell it! I pray that you are warm and well.     This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and also the first Sunday of the church year. “Advent” means coming – namely the coming of God into our world in and through the Incarnation.     A transformation occurs in our lives every year at this time as we are reminded of how much we mean to God who offered Himself in…

Happy Thanksgiving

First Church Family:I awoke this morning keenly aware of the things for which I’m thankful:      *God’s saving activity through Jesus who gives me hope and purpose.     *God’s daily presence in my life, encouraging and comforting me.     *A precious family that I love and that loves me.     *And the incredible opportunity of serving God together through His Church          and with you here. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving! With love, Pastor Dave