Posts by FUMC Office (Page 3)

Posts by FUMC Office (Page 3)

First Church Family: Several weeks ago, we were in the midst of what seemed to be a drought; and now, so much rain. Our prayers are with those on and near our state’s beautiful coast, as water from Debbie pours sin. Over the past weeks, we have made our thematic focus in worship to be the extraordinary women of faith God has used, as recorded in the Bible. The mother of all of humankind, Eve, was our first subject, followed by Naomi, Ruth,…

From the Pastor

First Church Family, I pray that you are in good health and spirits. I have enjoyed worshiping as one body during the summer and focusing on extraordinary women in the Bible over the last Sundays. That continues this week, as we look at Rahab of Jericho, “God’s Most Unlikely Heroine.” Take the time to read the first two chapters of the Book of Joshua.  It won’t take but a few minutes, and it will prepare you for worship on Sunday. I…

From the pastor

First Church Family: I pray that you are aware of God’s presence.  Sometimes cares of the world invade that place in our hearts meant for God, causing our Heavenly Father to seem to be far away.  Over and over, the Apostle Paul reminds us that there is nowhere we can go to be out of God’s presence.  It is my prayer that wherever you are, you will remember that truth. There are several things that I want to share with…

Goodbye, Ivey

First Church Family, Saying goodbye is sometimes difficult to do. That’s something I’ve been thinking pretty hard about over the last several weeks. Ivey Deitz has been my administrative assistant and our church’s office manager for the last five years. And she has done a beautiful job with both of those major responsibilities. Ivey is a person of extremely high character and loves our LORD, her family, and also our church greatly. And she possesses many gifts that have helped our church reach many godly…

General Conference

Dear First Church Family:     I pray that you are enjoying this spring weather as much as I am. After a long, dark, wet winter, being outside in the yard and garden is therapeutic.     There are a couple of things I want to share with you. First, for the next number of weeks, we will be worshiping around Scripture passages in the Book of Acts.     Acts is the story of the birth, activities, and growth of the early church. It…


First Church Family:     I’m writing this just after I’ve had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with our Fabric Friends quilting group who meet at our church for a couple of hours each week. The fellowship those ladies enjoy, while they are busy cutting and quilting fabric, sewing, and/or doing other kinds of needlework, is amazing!     I walk down the hall with a cup of coffee in my hand almost every week to see the beautiful artwork they are creating,…

Palm Sunday Event

First Church Family:     What a wonderful Sunday we enjoyed this past weekend! God’s powerful presence is stirring in our midst.     So often church pastors and staff members dread the holy season of Lent and Easter but not for reasons you might imagine. It’s because we feel unworthy of representing the LORD of all life in the magnificent ways that He deserves.     Please pray for us during Holy Week, which is ushered in this Sunday with our one Palm Sunday service (which includes our…

Quilters’ Sunday

First Church Family: I woke up with a start this morning, realizing that we are only ten days away from our special Palm Sunday Disciples’ service and just over two weeks from Easter!   Where have the days of Lent gone? But first things first! This Sunday we will worship around the theme of Jesus’ very last words: “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” (Luke 23:46 RSV) And this Sunday is Quilting Sunday at First Church. Our Fabric Friends quilting ladies…

A Wonderful Month of March

Dear FUMC Family,     Spring has not sprung, but you can’t tell it around here! Things are warming and greening up!     And our church is having a wonderful month of March!     This Sunday, March 10, after the 11:00AM service our Kay Lanier is preparing a fellowship luncheon for all. Reservations are not required. Just plan to be in the CLC a moment after noon for Kay’s famous chicken pie and butter beans! And visit with others in our church. Financial donations…