Posts by FUMC Office (Page 2)
Hurricane Helene Relief Monetary Donation Information
Hurricane Helene Relief Monetary Donation Information Many of us are contributing to relief efforts through our financial gifts. When you write a check, make the check to: “FUMC” with the memo line either: “UMCOR Helene recovery” or something similar. Our financial secretary will be alert for those memos, and get funds transferred to UMCOR for disaster relief in our state. Please remember that there are no administrative costs. Every dollar we contribute through UMCOR will go straight to those in…
From the Pastor – Hurricane Helene Update #3
October 8, 2024 First Church Family: Please read the following message closely. Things are changing rapidly in the area of Helene response needs. I will keep us updated every several days. Our Bennett Brittain and I delivered a truck load of cases of water, paper towels, toilet paper, flash lights with extra batteries, batteries, children’s diapers, women’s hygiene products, dog food, and much more to the UMC district office in North Wilkesboro on Monday morning. Volunteers were there to help…
10-6-24 Service
Hello Church Family, The 10-6-24, Sunday 11am service is up on YouTube for viewing. Thank you for your understanding our internet went down. Thank you, Danny
Letter from the Pastor: Hurricane Helene #2
First Church Family, We continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters in areas decimated by Hurricane Helene. Every day there are more stories of those who lost their lives in the storm. Many of you have connections in the areas who were worst hit. Three of my niece’s neighbors drowned in Swannanoa. Just a reminder, we will receive a special offering for Helene on Sunday. And we will also be collecting needed supplies for delivery to Boone, Hendersonville…
From the Pastor
First Church Family: It’s interesting to note people’s responses when I tell them I am a Christian pastor. Some people immediately begin to tell me about their churches, and/or their niece or nephew who is in seminary somewhere; while other people “clam up” for fear of exposing some hidden sin. People who know what pastors do sometimes shake their heads, wondering how any one person could get it all done; while others ask what we do all week. I’m going…
From the Pastor
First Church Family, Over the past weeks in worship, we have delved into the faithful lives of extraordinary women of the Bible. This past week our message in the sermon was more like a history lesson, articulating how God used Esther’s brilliance to save her people from extermination. This week we move from the Old Testament to the New, as we look at the life of Mary Magdalene, who truly was the female equivalent of Jesus’ disciples. Throughout the summer, our music in…
Meeting: Wednesday, August 14th
Meeting: Tuesday, August 13th at 5:30pm
Tuesday, August 13th at 5:30pm