Posts by FUMC Office (Page 2)
From the Pastor
First Church Family, Over the past weeks in worship, we have delved into the faithful lives of extraordinary women of the Bible. This past week our message in the sermon was more like a history lesson, articulating how God used Esther’s brilliance to save her people from extermination. This week we move from the Old Testament to the New, as we look at the life of Mary Magdalene, who truly was the female equivalent of Jesus’ disciples. Throughout the summer, our music in…
Meeting: Wednesday, August 14th
Meeting: Tuesday, August 13th at 5:30pm
Tuesday, August 13th at 5:30pm
First Church Family: Several weeks ago, we were in the midst of what seemed to be a drought; and now, so much rain. Our prayers are with those on and near our state’s beautiful coast, as water from Debbie pours sin. Over the past weeks, we have made our thematic focus in worship to be the extraordinary women of faith God has used, as recorded in the Bible. The mother of all of humankind, Eve, was our first subject, followed by Naomi, Ruth,…
From the Pastor
First Church Family, I pray that you are in good health and spirits. I have enjoyed worshiping as one body during the summer and focusing on extraordinary women in the Bible over the last Sundays. That continues this week, as we look at Rahab of Jericho, “God’s Most Unlikely Heroine.” Take the time to read the first two chapters of the Book of Joshua. It won’t take but a few minutes, and it will prepare you for worship on Sunday. I…
From the pastor
First Church Family: I pray that you are aware of God’s presence. Sometimes cares of the world invade that place in our hearts meant for God, causing our Heavenly Father to seem to be far away. Over and over, the Apostle Paul reminds us that there is nowhere we can go to be out of God’s presence. It is my prayer that wherever you are, you will remember that truth. There are several things that I want to share with…
Goodbye, Ivey
First Church Family, Saying goodbye is sometimes difficult to do. That’s something I’ve been thinking pretty hard about over the last several weeks. Ivey Deitz has been my administrative assistant and our church’s office manager for the last five years. And she has done a beautiful job with both of those major responsibilities. Ivey is a person of extremely high character and loves our LORD, her family, and also our church greatly. And she possesses many gifts that have helped our church reach many godly…