Posts by FUMC Office (Page 16)

Posts by FUMC Office (Page 16)

Back-To-Church Sunday

FUMC Family, This is my favorite time of year. This month, there will be evenings when we feel crispness in the air. Too, football season is upon us. And finally, in a real way our Church Year begins. We will begin the year with a bang, as on Sunday, September 15, we will join literally thousands of churches across the country celebrating: “Back-to-Church Sunday”. At our church, our attendance has been strong all summer. But now school has started, and…

Our Mission

FUMC Family, September marks the beginning of the church year. However, the summer has been an important time for visioning. There have been three Church Council meetings from May through August. And each of those meetings was significant. In our May meeting, directions were given for a four-person sub-committee to report back to the Council in its June meeting (the 30th) with a new Mission Statement proposal. At the June meeting the Council unanimously ratified the following as our Mission…

After Easter Message

Dear FUMC Family, What a wonderful Lent and Easter we experienced at First UMC!  The Palm/Passion Sunday commemoration was powerful, as was the choir’s presentation of “The Weeping Tree” along with readers and dramatists, on Good Friday evening. Too, our Holy/Maundy Thursday services were meaningful, as we followed Jesus through supper with His disciples as he continued to walk to the Cross for us. Then we turned out at dawn for our Easter Sunrise service, followed by a wonderful breakfast…

September Message

FUMC Family, I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and spirits.  The past week has been difficult for all of us as we’ve watched our brothers and sisters down east and south go through catastrophic weather events.  Our hearts go out to them, and our prayers surround them. There will be many ways we and others can help for months and years to come, but if you would like to contribute to the recovery effort, United Methodist Committee…

Meet Our New Pastor

Reverend Dr. Dave Melton The Reverend Dr. David S. Melton is the Senior Pastor of Providence United Methodist Church. He has served numerous large churches in western North Carolina, including most recently: Memorial UMC, Thomasville; First UMC, Waynesville; and West Market Street UMC in Greensboro. In 2014, West Market experienced its largest net membership growth in more than 30 years. Dave is an elder in full connection in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. Dave is…