Posts by FUMC Office (Page 15)

Posts by FUMC Office (Page 15)

Serving the Community

JANUARY 20, 2021 Dear First Church Family, My prayers remain with you during this time, and I covet yours as well.  Though our world still reels from the COVID onslaught and seems divided to a magnitude I haven’t experienced before; every day I am reminded of the powerful presence of Almighty God and the hope brought to us through the gift of our Savior. Last week, I was honored to be a part of a number of people gathered in-front of our hospital to encourage our health…

News from Pastor

JANUARY 13, 2021 Dear First Church Family, I pray that you are in good health and spirits, and that you are continuing to pray for our nation and world. God is being seen in and through so many good things that are happening. Remember that our Mission Statement is: “to glorify God as we mold, nurture, and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ.” Our modeling of that statement has never been needed more. One of the most beloved and recited of all Scriptures is…

Spirit of Unity

JANUARY 8, 2021 Friday Morning First Church Family, On Wednesday, before I was aware of the horrific events in our nation’s capital, I wrote my Newsletter letter to you that was emailed yesterday. So much has happened since then. The events in Washington, D.C. were despicable, violent acts of terror and tyranny. Our nation is broken as never before in my lifetime, and we are all grieving the presence of division, distrust, and hatred. As followers of Christ, we denounce…

January Message

JANUARY 7, 2021  First Church Family,      I pray this newsletter finds you in good health and spirits. What Samaritan’s Purse did at our hospital is amazing, though it’s concerning that Caldwell and the surrounding counties needed the extra space for COVID patients. Please be cautious and stay safe!     The church year, which began with the first Sunday in Advent in late November, moves quickly through Christmas and Epiphany (this past  Sunday.) Immediately, it jumps thirty years to the Baptism of the LORD…

Christmas Concert @ FUMC

December 13 at 3 pm A free, drive-up Christmas concert, “A Christmas Music Blessing”at 3 pm on Sunday, December 13 from the front steps of our church. The Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir as well as 4 children will be presenting beautiful Christmas music. You may listen from your car, your lawn chair, or stand nearby with masks. In the case of inclement weather, the concert will be moved to Sunday (December 20 at 3pm).

Uncertain Times

Dear First Church Family,                                                                                                                                                                                     I pray that you are persevering during this uncertain time. Not being able to actually be with you is taking its toll on me, as I imagine, it is on you. Our staff surprised me with pictures of many, many of your smiling faces on chairs in the CLC last Sunday during worship, and has done the same in the Sanctuary this week. I love it, but I miss the…

Easter Message

Dear First Church Family, We have been going through tremendous difficulty, both in our country and around the world, due to the Coronavirus. Our prayers are with the thousands of people who have contracted the virus, and whose lives have been lost. Our whole world has changed. Businesses have shut down; numerous cancellations of events we took for granted only a few short weeks ago have taken place; and our worship services have been altered dramatically. Yet, I remind you…

Easter News

FUMC Family, Grace and peace to you from the Risen Christ and our church. It is a blessing to be able to worship together with the use of technology provided for us by the Broyhill Family Foundation in honor of our Allene Broyhill Stevens. We would love to hear from you about your experience of that. And if you are finding it of benefit, why not consider inviting friends and family to do the same? Our Church office will continue…


First Church Family, It’s been a challenging week for all of us, as we abide by the principles/suggestions that have been provided for us during this time. Our prayers go out to our healthcare providers, who are risking their own health on the front line of our community and world’s war against the Coronavirus. There are many persons in our church and our church’s extended family who are right there helping to diagnose, treat, and save the lives of people across…

19 Spiritual Things to Do During the COVID19 Pandemic

19 Spiritual Things To Do During the Covid-19 Pandemic Read Psalms (19th book of the Old Testament) and Hebrews (19th book of the New Testament). Pray for 19 people each day. Spend 19 minutes reading devotional materials each day. Read the Bible for 19 minutes each day. Email, text, call, and/or send a card or letter to 19 people. Pray for at least 19 minutes each day. Find 19 ways each day to say, “Thank you, God.” Spend 19 minutes…