Posts by FUMC Office
NEW Bible Study
Join Us For Our NEW Bible Study!
News Blast Young at Heart CANCELLED for Tuesday, January 14th
News Blast
Our Sunday, January 12th service at 10 am in the Sanctuary is going on as planned, so please join us!
News Blast
Our Sunday, January 12th service at 10 am in the Sanctuary featuring, Denver Bierman is going on as planned, so please join us!
Bless This Meal – November 23, 2024
I would like to donate towards “Bless This Meal” Thanksgiving Celebration 2024 Name: _____________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________ Included for Meals: $ ________________________($30/meal) I would like to Volunteer: ____ Thursday, November 21 @ 4:00pm (Set-up) ____ Saturday, November 23 @ 9:00am – 11:30am ____ Saturday, November 23 @ 11:00am – 1:00pm
From the Pastor
First Church Family: I imagine that with me, you are happy that the elections are over. I also imagine that, with me, you can report that some of those you voted for won, and some lost. But, as I closed last Sunday’s sermon: regardless of what comes out of the elections, “our God remains on the Throne!” That is what unifies us. My goodness, we need something to unify us! And that can only be our faith in our LORD…
Letter from the Pastor
First Church Family: We are a month into fall! That’s hard to believe, but when we are busy, time flies! And my goodness, has time flown. Our fall programs, and especially those surrounding music, are well underway; as are our local missions of Backpack Ministry, Room at the Table, CCC & TI student support, etc. And of course, added to that are our efforts to support those who are struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Our financial contributions to…
From the Pastor
First Church Family: I remember growing up that we looked for the first frost around October 15, and by golly that still seems to be pretty close. Cooler weather has arrived. Thank you for your responses to the needs of those who were devasted by Helene. We have delivered goods, and received offerings totaling more than $10,000 for relief. Those monies, and any additional ones, will go straight to families in western North Carolina who are in need. But now,…
From the Pastor
October 10, 2024 First Church Family: Thank you for being an incredible church! Every time we choose to support a mission/ministry, you are all in; and over the past months there have been so many of them. Our prayers continue for those affected by the wrath of Hurricane Helene. A tragic news report shared that as flood waters rose in Buncombe County, one little boy was swept away from his mother. Though shrouded with grief, that mother later said that…