From the Pastor – Hurricane Helene Update #3

From the Pastor – Hurricane Helene Update #3

October 8, 2024

First Church Family:

Please read the following message closely. Things are changing rapidly in the area of Helene response needs.  I will keep us updated every several days.

Our Bennett Brittain and I delivered a truck load of cases of water, paper towels, toilet paper, flash lights with extra batteries, batteries, children’s diapers, women’s hygiene products, dog food, and much more to the UMC district office in North Wilkesboro on Monday morning.

Volunteers were there to help us unload the truck, and take supplies to expansive storage rooms, from which larger trucks are being loaded to distribute those supplies into areas impacted by flooding.

The response of United Methodist churches has been incredible. And The unexpected arrivals of other trucks from out of state has helped God perform a miracle.

The fact is that there have been so many supplies delivered to every area: Asheville, Boone, Marion, Morganton, Spruce Pine, West Jefferson, Rutherfordton, Linville, and more – that storehouses are full and volunteers are actively delivering much-needed provisions to people who have lost what seems to them as everything.

Because of the overwhelming response from our churches, and more (last week trucks from New York state brought loads of hay to fill warehouses and barns, so that farmers whose livestock made it through the storm will be    well-fed through the whole winter!) the needs have changed.

Things that continue to be needed are: Outdoor Cooking Items: Propane tanks, Gas top grills, table top grills and charcoal.

The big shift of collection needs has become cold weather necessities: Warm Clothes and Blankets.

With the weather quickly turning colder, and many people living outside in the cold, (nights this week will be in the 40’s and next week they will drop into the 30’s) the great need is for blankets, coats, jackets, gloves, mittens, and warm hats/toboggans.

Large trucks will leave our collection site in North Wilkesboro next Monday, October 14, for staging sites all across the mountains. If you wish to participate, please bring your donations to our church by this Sunday, October 13.

We know that: “God is good! All the time!” Please remember that, as another terrible hurricane bears down on Florida, because God’s power, miracles, and grace will be called upon again. And His people will respond!

This is an important time to offer our gifts to others. It is an honor to share this time with you,

Pastor Dave


Many of us are contributing to relief efforts through our financial gifts.  When you write a check, make the check to: “FUMC” with the memo line either: “UMCOR Helene recovery” or something similar.

Our financial secretary will be alert for those memos, and get funds transferred to UMCOR for disaster relief in our state.  Please remember that there are no administrative costs.  Every dollar we contribute through UMCOR will go straight to those in need.