Dear First Church Family,
We have been going through tremendous difficulty, both in our country and around the world, due to the Coronavirus. Our prayers are with the thousands of people who have contracted the virus, and whose lives have been lost.
Our whole world has changed. Businesses have shut down; numerous cancellations of events we took for granted only a few short weeks ago have taken place; and our worship services have been altered dramatically.
Yet, I remind you today that Easter is not cancelled! Actually, though we will celebrate it differently this year, because Jesus rose from the grave, we have tremendous hope for today, tomorrow, and forever! Perhaps, our realization of that hope means more to us this Easter than ever before.
On Sunday, during our web streamed Easter service, together we will sing:
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know, He holds the future. And life is worth the living…
just because He lives!
What a powerful message! Life is difficult each and every day. I truly don’t know what people do in times like these without knowing God through Christ, and having relationships with both Him and His followers.
The bottom line is this: Jesus Christ is alive and well! Though we are in an uncertain time, there is no reason for dismay, as He is with us now, and will continue to be throughout the endless ages of eternity!
I pray that you will hold tightly onto that promise. My prayers are with you, and I need yours with me. Let’s be sure to remember together that God’s Resurrection power through Easter will never be cancelled!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Dave Melton
One Comment
Deone Roe
Your sermon today was helpful on so many levels. I felt amazingly encouraged by the sunday school class discussions lately. But another exciting answer to prayer was one my daughter shared with me recently. She is working at home on the phone with outstanding Christians all day long. Because of the current co-vid19 she has been asked to help with the Billy Graham Association prayer help line, which has been overwhelmed. There have been huge response. Amber said some are angry, have doubts, questions. She found this burdensome and painful after awhile. I encouraged her she had planted seeds and the good thing is they were reaching out with their feeling….etc. I sent her your excellent message on the doubters. Thank you. Your ability to put yourself into His work has changed lives.