19 Spiritual Things to Do During the COVID19 Pandemic

19 Spiritual Things to Do During the COVID19 Pandemic

19 Spiritual Things To Do During the Covid-19 Pandemic

  1. Read Psalms (19th book of the Old Testament) and Hebrews (19th book of the New Testament).
  2. Pray for 19 people each day.
  3. Spend 19 minutes reading devotional materials each day.
  4. Read the Bible for 19 minutes each day.
  5. Email, text, call, and/or send a card or letter to 19 people.
  6. Pray for at least 19 minutes each day.
  7. Find 19 ways each day to say, “Thank you, God.”
  8. Spend 19 minutes each week preparing/writing a devotional for FUMC’s Lenten devotional booklet for next year.
  9. Compile a list of 19 personal blessings.
  10. Each week, watch 19+ minutes of a faith based program on TV. Triple that on Sunday (57 minutes) and live stream our FUMC worship service.
  11. Read a faith based book for 19 minutes each day by a Christian author such as Max Lucado, Beth Moore, Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Philip Yancey, etc.
  12. Memorize 19 new Bible verses.
  13. Read/sing the words of 19 hymns.
  14. Give $19.00 to the FUMC backpack ministry.
  15. Double bag 19 grocery bags for our backpack ministry.
  16. Donate 19 items to an organization such as Yokefellow, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, etc.
  17. Tithe $19.00 more per month than your usual tithe.
  18. Tell 19 people that you love them.
  19. Perform 19 acts of kindness.


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