First Church Family,
During the week, as we prepare bulletins for worship, I’m often asked: “Dave, is this going to be a normal Sunday?” To those of us involved in weekly worship planning, the question really is: “Will we be celebrating holy communion or baptism or have a special emphasis in worship that would change the order of service?”
If my answer is: “No this will be a “normal” Sunday, it means that we will follow our standard form of worship with prayers, music, Scriptures, children’s time, and sermon, even though every single one of us knows that when God is involved, there is never a “normal” Sunday.
Having said that, there are never any “normal” Sundays in December! There is nothing normal about getting ready to celebrate the birth of the Messiah and Son of God.
And that certainly is true this year. This coming Sunday, December 12, we will celebrate the Incarnation through music. Both our First Flame worship band, led by our Lynne Carter, and our Chancel Choir, directed by our Jamie Jones, have been working feverishly to complete preparation of their Christmas offerings. Each service will be outstanding. If I were you, I would plan to be in the CLC at 9:00AM and the Sanctuary at 11:00AM, so as not to miss any part of their productions. And, of course, you can watch both services on our YouTube channel live or later. Both services will bless you and help prepare you for a fulfilling holiday season.
The following Sunday, December 19, is a “normal” Sunday in that the order of service will not be unusual in either venue. But on that morning, we will announce where we are in our quest to raise an additional $10,000 for our freshwater well project in Guatemala. Please pray for that emphasis, and consider making a gift over and above your 2021 offering pledge to this wonderful project.
Finally, Sunday, December 26, the day after Christmas, will also not be “normal.” We will all worship in one service that day, in the Sanctuary at 10:00AM. The service will have elements of both modern and traditional worship, will be filled with music, and will be casual in nature. So, if you want to wear your slippers or robe to the service, you will not be out of place.
No, December doesn’t have any “normal” Sundays. Please don’t miss any of them.
Merry Christmas!

Pastor Dave