Posts from November 2023
Beginning Advent
First Church Family: Goodness, it’s cold! While winter hasn’t officially begun, you can’t tell it! I pray that you are warm and well. This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and also the first Sunday of the church year. “Advent” means coming – namely the coming of God into our world in and through the Incarnation. A transformation occurs in our lives every year at this time as we are reminded of how much we mean to God who offered Himself in…
Happy Thanksgiving
First Church Family:I awoke this morning keenly aware of the things for which I’m thankful: *God’s saving activity through Jesus who gives me hope and purpose. *God’s daily presence in my life, encouraging and comforting me. *A precious family that I love and that loves me. *And the incredible opportunity of serving God together through His Church and with you here. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving! With love, Pastor Dave
Bless This Meal 2023
First Church Family: The holidays are just around the corner. Here are a couple of reminders of things that are coming up: Saturday, we will provide 125 families with Thanksgiving meals. Even if you haven’t registered as a volunteer, your spirit will be raised if you swing by the church sometime between 10:00am and 1:00pm on Saturday to experience the gift of giving. Sunday morning will be the first time our “Groovin’” kids playguitars/ukuleles/buckets/African drums for us in worship. Jon Beal and…
Great Commandment
First Church Family, Wow, winter finally got here! But it’s only fall… oh well, I enjoy all of the seasons in our beautiful county! Over the past weeks, we have had a number of visitors at the 9:00AM service who were camping/RVing in our area for a couple of weeks enjoying the beautiful autumn colors. After last Sunday’s service, a couple named Tom and Sue, who had been with us two weeks (actual names are different to protect privacy), waited their turn to have a…